Greeting Cards – A Great Way of Conveying Best Wishes but Now Sadly a Diminishing Trend
When we millennials were growing up, greeting cards were a common trend. Book shops used to be lined up with a variety of greeting cards with all types of wishes printed on them. You could find a variety of designs for all types of occasions. There were many designs of birthday cards, new year cards, Christmas cards, and many others. The best thing about these cards were new designs kept coming to the market. The recipients would keep these cards for a long time to preserve the memories. Back when I was five or six, getting four to five cards on my birthday was a normal thing. I was not good at keeping them. Otherwise, I would have many of them even today. My aunt used to have at least a foot-high stack of cards she received over the years. Now, the trend of exchanging greeting cards has greatly been replaced by sending best wishes over phone apps and emails. Their advantage is that you do not have to mail or give them to the recipients li...