Make Your Packaging Shine with 4 Tips
The food industry is probably the world’s biggest industry and includes all the other elements, like shipping, packaging, quality testing, etc. Out of all, packaging has become an industry itself and is a multidimensional business.
Every company is
focusing on them to create an identity with the help of it. Its design plays a
decisive factor in the overall sales and customer’s purchasing decision.
We will tell you a few elements that you need to be mindful of while designing food packaging. It is not about the strength and durability only but how the packaging appeal to the customers.
Read this article carefully and think about how to utilize these
tips in your packaging production:
I. Transparency & Minimalism
A customer spends around four seconds max looking at a product in the supermarket. There are products with no clear information and labels that turn off the consumer.
It is essential to have a box that entails details regarding the product, your company, and everything that goes into it.
For instance, a box should talk about the
product’s ingredients, its manufacturing and expiry dates, brand’s name and
logo, and several other details to help the user make an informed decision.
II. Integrity
You have to be honest about the product while designing the packaging. You will find boxes that show a cookie being dipped in a sea of chocolate, whereas the person would merely be purchasing a choco-flavored cracker.
You will discover plumped berries or
cherries on creamy products. Exaggeratedly glorifying the product many times
than its actual existence will be misleading and often let you down in
customers’ eyes.
You should design
the food packaging with complete integrity and
honesty to treat the purchaser correctly.
III. Authenticity
Hundreds of food
items are battling at the supermarket to be picked by the customer. It is
possible to set your product apart by designing them uniquely and being
There is no plan on being authentic as it comes from within. If your company is trapped with generic designs, you should opt for an exclusive, visually beautiful appearance.
For instance, if the trend is for typefaces, then you go for illustrations, and if the people are crafting the boxes in vertical shape, you should be going for horizontal structure.
You can play with retro and modern
themes to create something of your own. Simply, you have to be fresh in order
to be authentic.
IV. Shelf Impact
We have to look at the product from the onlooker’s perspective rather than a person in the business. No one pays too much attention to the product and would not look in detail when there are hundreds of other similar items.
Every product aligned on
the shelves would only show a number of patterns to the customer. The consumer will
not bat an eye unless a product catches his/her attention with an attractive
It needs to be
unique in order to stand out and have an actual shelf impact. It makes a
massive difference in the sales.
You have to verify it with multiple tests and check which one is getting all the rage. Choose the one with the highest success rate.
To Finish Off in Style
It is a massive area to design the food packaging, and you should hire excellent designers for a quality image. It directly affects the originality and sales of the item. It is your statement to the person considering your food item.
Being transparent,
honest, authentic, and increasing the shelf impact will play a big part in the
designing formula. The packaging holds more value than many retailers think.
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